Eugenia Mena's profile

Hopscotch / Rayuela urbana

Hopscotch: product design and development.
The richness of using public space is based on diversity. Taking it as a playful platform, urban hopscotch seeks to increase and diversify the incorporation of games in the city, being considered a tool for social integration. Its dynamics lie in the collective imagination. The game recovers a part of popular tradition and local identity, managing to awaken the interest and curiosity of children, adolescents, and adults, thus improving our relationship with the environment. It is a very simple game, and among other things, it helps children develop visuo-motor coordination.
Modules: Pre-cast reinforced concrete paver with smooth and even finishes.Ā 
Numbers and letters: 1.5mm stainless steel.
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Hopscotch / Rayuela urbana

Hopscotch / Rayuela urbana


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